
February 23, 2012

Opening Hymns:
Come Into The Holy of Holies (Red Praise Book 71)
Whom Shall I send (Red hymnal 582)

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 25:1-10

Message: Being Led 
Again we are at the beginning of the Lenten season. This psalm is a beautiful portrayal of an inner hope to follow God. In this psalm, David is seeking guidance and forgiveness for his wrong doings. He also lifts up hope and praise to God. “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul, in you I trust Oh my God” (Psalm 25:1). There are so many things to learn from this psalm, and as we move into this Lenten season I wish to focus on seeking guidance. Lent is a time where I feel myself called back to God; to focus on His will in my life. It is a time that we all can reflect on Jesus’ Teachings, and His mission for each of us.  We will read of how Jesus lived, and how He encouraged us to live. In the end we will read and learn of how and why He died, and His call for us to die of sin and selfishness. In this season I hope that this prayer… this Psalm is answered for you. “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25:4-5). May God continue to teach us and lead us this day… amen.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, guide us during this Lenten season, that we might more readily know Your plan for us. Guide us each day so that we can walk closer to You with a better understanding of our call. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Seek Ye First (Red Praise Book 243)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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