
February 26, 2012

Opening Hymns:
Come Into the Holy of Holies (Red Praise Book 71)

Scripture Reading:
Mark 1:9-15

Message: Deserts
There are so many wonderful things to behold on this planet. There is so much joy to be had. However, that joy can often be met with deserts. In the scripture reading today Jesus is sent into the desert where He would face His own struggles with temptation. The more I grow and read, the more I find discover other “deserts” that people have faced.

Mother Theresa had lived a Godly life, caring for those in need. She continued to care for the people in Calcutta, even after they had mocked her… if anyone came to her for help she offered it. However, Mother Theresa had written about her own doubts and depression. She too spent time in the deserts.
Right now I am reading a book called “Miracle at Tenwek” about one of the first American doctors to go help out in Africa. I went through about 200 pages of an amazing book, an incredible life story. And then the desert hit. The doctor began to question if he should continue to serve in Africa or move back to the United States. He became depressed and his faith became to shake. Through prayer, and the support of his wife he made it through the desert as well.

Jesus went through the desert, and this reminds me that through our struggles we are not alone. Through our doubts and pain… the Lord is with us. Sometimes we may want the burden in front of us removed. We may call out to God to take our challenges away from us. But, we can also pray to learn from our challenges. We can pray for a lasting impact for ourselves and others, and we can pray for God’s guiding hand all the way through our lives.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for leading us through the deserts. Let us learn and grow from all the challenges that we are to face. Help us to remember to praise Your name through each and every storm. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
The Lord Is My Light (Red Praise Book 64)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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