
March 29, 2010

Opening Hymns:
Fill My Cup 641 (Red Hymnal)
Open My Eyes That I May See 454 (Red Hymnal)

Scripture Reading:
Luke 22:14-71

Message "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me."
In Luke Chapter 22, Luke is describing the final days of Jesus’ ministry. They eat of the bread from the last supper. It is when they learn that one of them will betray Jesus and that Peter will disown Jesus three times. This scripture ends with Christ being taken away and Peter denying that he knows Him.

One of the parts that I can relate to the most is Jesus praying for God to take His cup from Him. All of us have faced trials and temptations. Like Jesus, there may be times when we pray and wish that we won’t need to go through certain trials. It may be a paper we need to write for school (or even school itself), Doctors appointments, attending a funeral, or the pain of giving birth.

We can dread each of these… However, nothing we have to face can compare to Jesus’ burden. And, no matter the sin, we needn’t bear the shame and separation from God that Jesus bore on the cross. Remembering this it is important to face the trials that God would have us face as Jesus did. Rather than praying for the hard times not to come… like Jesus we can instead quietly pray "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

Time of PrayerDear Lord, in whatever struggles we are facing, I ask that You will be with each of us and guide us through them. Lord, I know there are many challenges for us to face in our lives. I ask that if the challenges ahead of us are challenges that You would have us face… be with us and guide us through them. I pray that they will help us and others grow. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn

Here I am Lord 593 (Red Hymnal)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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