
February 17, 2010

Opening Hymns:
Be Thou My Vision
Heaven is in My Heart

Scripture Reading:
Mathew 6:1-6, 16-21

Message Serving Silently
As we enter into the season of lent this scripture is a great reminder to be humbled. Rather than boasting to others and ourselves about the wonderful works we have done… we are to silently serve. Please recognize that this passage never tells one not to serve, nor does it say not to pray. Instead, it states “when you pray…” It can often be hard to hide your good deeds from others. However, I feel the scripture is touching on something deeper than how many people know about it. It is describing the way in which they know. If someone shows others good deeds by boasting or bragging, the scripture says, they have earned their reward. On the other hand, people may know of their good deeds simply by seeing the kind act silently being done. Reflecting God through ones actions is one of the most beautiful things to behold. It is sad when that beauty is tainted by ones own selfish desires. But, if we can focus on God and His will, rather than our own, then the act of kindness will more purely show God’s glory.

Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer

For all the children in the world, that they might know love and the powerful beauty that comes with helping out others we pray to the Lord*
To all who boast, that they might be humbled and find and recognize the joy that comes with silently serving we pray to the Lord*
To all who struggled keeping warm this winter, that they might find warmth and shelter we pray to the Lord*

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Above All

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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