
February 16, 2010

Opening Hymn
Create in Me
Take My Life and Let it Be

Scripture Reading
Psalm 51: 1-17

Message David’s Challenges
King David had a hard life. He started his life off as a Shepard boy, and went from the least in his family to the greatest in the nation. However, this transition was not an easy one. If you look at anyone who had started out at the bottom and found themselves at the top… you will see that that transition was anything but simple. The Beatles, for example... Each person in the group began life at the bottom of the barrel. They were, all of them, poor. However, when fortune came their way it added complexity to their lives rather than simplifying. They began to do drugs and lost the steadiness that their previous life had brought them.

David’s complexity came right after he was anointed. Saul’s jealousy and multiple attempts on David’s life had caused David great grief. He also had to deal with the challenges of running the nation after Saul’s death. However, through all his hardships, nothing seems to cause him more pain than his own wrong doings. In Yesterday’s reading Joel 2:12 the Lord declares “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” This Psalm shows David doing just that. He had sinned against God and had committed adultery with Bathsheba. But while his words show the despair and disgrace over what he had done, they also show the hope of being forgiven. David had always held on to that hope. Through the obstacles in his life he chose to cling to God, rather than worldly things.

While sin separates, this psalm is a great reminder that no sin can fully separate us from our loving and forgiving God.

Time of Prayer

*Respond: Lord hear our prayer

To our leaders hear and those leading other nations, that they may be able to discern what you would have them do we pray to the Lord *
To all who hunger and thirst that they may eat and be filled, and that their thirst may be quenched we pray to the Lord*
To missionaries bringing your word to all throughout the world, that they may be safe and their voices may be heard we pray to the Lord*
That all of us may turn to you in our moments of sin rather than turning from you with shame we pray to the Lord*

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
White as Snow

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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