
March 26, 2012

Opening Hymns:
Hosanna Loud Hosanna (Red Hymnal 278)
Scripture Reading:
Mark 11:8-11

Message: Fear, Pride, and Greed
People are finally getting it right in this scripture! What a beautiful scene that has been painted here. People are recognizing God’s Son. However, it is not too long away when the people will turn from Jesus because of greed, pride or fear. They will go from praising Jesus, to watching Him die on the cross.

The people who are in power are greedy. They have heard people call Jesus King. They don’t want him to take any power away from them. Some of the people in power are the Pharisees, high priests, and all religious leaders. They are also the ones that have too much pride to let another rule over them, even the Son of God. They don’t care to be told that they are doing things wrong. After all they are supposed to be the religious leaders. I’m sure there were also people who were very religious and were too prideful to accept a change in their way of life. They may have preferred their own traditional ways to Jesus’ teachings.

Many of Jesus’ followers became afraid because they saw the threat of the leaders in their day. They were afraid that they would be killed or punished for following Jesus. The prime example was when Peter, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, denied Jesus three times. Fear also played a role in Judas’ betrayal. He may have been afraid for Jesus, thinking that He was raising too much attention, ant that the Romans may have found Him as a threat.  

If you were back in Jesus’ time, would any of those categories fit you? Does pride fear or greed prevent you from having a close relationship with Jesus? Would you be afraid to stand there with Him, and morn for Him on the cross with Mary and the few disciples that stayed and witnessed it?

For me, if anything would keep me from Him I think it would either be fear or pride. God is my all, and Christianity is my belief. If I was raised to be Jewish back before Jesus’ ministry it would take a lot for me to change my faith. I have a lot of pride in what I believe and in who I am. I can also see fear playing a role. Fear has had an impact in my life already… even without the threat of death. I can imagine that my soul could grow weak and fear would enter in.

Regardless of what keeps us from a close relationship with Christ, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus can break down any wall that we put up. Pride, Fear, and greed may seem like powerful forces, but they are nothing compared to the love of Christ. He forgave the people who killed Him, he forgave Peter who denied Him. He will forgive us as well.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, thank You for Your forgiving love. We are blessed to be loved even when fear, greed, or pride is in our hearts. Help us break down these barriers so that we can have a closer relationship with You. Help us forgive others when we see them act out of fear, pride or greed… remembering that You call us to forgive as You forgive. As we approach Easter, and Good Friday, let us remember Your sacrifice. Thank You for Your gift of everlasting love. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Let the Walls Fall Down (Red 262)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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