
March 17, 2012

Opening Hymn:
Holy Ground (Red 147)

Scripture Reading:
John 3: 14-21

To me this scripture touches on quite of few passages in the Old Testament. Jesus, of course, is referencing the scripture that we had just read about in Numbers, where the Israelites are complaining to God about the food that He has provided them with. However, when He says “people loved darkness more than light because their deeds were evil” it reminds me of one of the first stories in the Old Testament. All the way back to Adam and Eve. The world was created, the plants creatures and man was created. Man sins… what is their first reaction? To hide.

It was true then and it is still true today. When we sin our gut reaction is to hide from God (the light) rather than going to God for forgiveness. Hopefully we eventually crawl out from behind the bush and admit our wrong doings… but rarely is our first reaction to seek forgiveness. Our solution? Love the light. Love God with all our hearts. Spend time with God, learn about Him and His love. When we know Him, and spend time with Him, not only will we be more like Him…. We will also like our darkens (the places we hide) less. How can we both love good and evil? God is waiting for us to come out from behind the bush, so that he can banish us from the garden of Eden… just kidding… so that He can love and forgive us. Jesus paid the price for our sins. We should no longer fear the light.  

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for Your forgiving love. Guide and strengthen each of us now so that we may know and love You with all our hearts. Lead us out of the darkness that has consumed us. Lead us into Your love and light. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Great Is the Lord (Red 11)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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