
March 24, 2012

Opening Hymn:
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (Red Hymnal 277)

Scripture Reading:
John 12:27-33

Message: Seeing it Through
We have all experienced moments where we wish we could turn back. Perhaps we are writing a final paper for school and have lost all our energy. Perhaps we agreed to go skydiving and thought it looked like fun until we are up in the plane. None of us, however, will be holding the responsibility that Jesus held during this scripture passage. He, like us, has free will. He could have decided not to go through the suffering. There were many times that He was tempted to do just that; both by Satan and His own disciples. Even though He could have avoided the cross, He saw it through to the end for our sake.

When we are met with challenges that we want to give up on, let us remember the greatest challenge and the greatest gift of all. We needn’t give up. If we keep trying and giving it our all we will be able to see it through. God will be with us every step of the way. Guiding us, and cheering us on. If we take time to listen and pray, we will hear how much He loves us… and how much He supports us. Let us never forget that!

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for Your love and support. Thank you for sending Jesus to die for our sins… Jesus, thank you for seeing it through till the end. Grant that each of us will strive to do the same. Thank you for Your love, grace, peace and mercy. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Oh Love How Deep (Red Hymnal 267)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God


March 23, 2012

Opening Hymn:
In the Cross of Christ I Glory (Red Hymnal 295)

Scripture Reading:
John 12:20-26

Message: Re-focusing
My favorite worship service was at the Hudson United Methodist church on Good Friday. It was at least a two hour service that touched on each of Jesus’ last words. Lay speakers and pastors would take one of the phrases Jesus said in his final moments before death, and base their sermon around that. It was such a powerful service that reminded me of Jesus’ sacrifice, and my call.

Today’s scripture reminds me that the time is drawing near again. The time is coming that has been dedicated a day to recognize Christ’s death and sacrifice… and following that, His resurrection and assent into heaven. It is good to have this day to recognize it, but it is also good to remember and to be grateful every day.  Today we hear that the time is near. Jesus is going to die… but in doing so he is going to save us all. The greatest gift of all! I wish I did fully recognize it every day.

Lent , Good Friday, and Easter give me a chance to re-focus my life. It is a more meaningful re-focusing than New Years. I am not making any resolutions that I will try to keep throughout the year. Instead I am quieting myself and remembering… pondering… contemplating the gift that God has given us. I’m trying to comprehend it and allow it to change me. I pray that each of us can remember and be changed for the better.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, forgive us when we forget Your sacrifice. Thank you for Your love and grace that You have showered upon us. Thank you for reminding us of Your love and Your forgiveness. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
My Hope is Built (Red Hymnal 368)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

March 22, 2012

Opening Hymn:
You Are the Strength of My Life (Red 309)

Scripture Reading:
Hebrews 5:5-10

Christ did not glorify himself during His time on earth. All glory was pointed to His Father. That is where He directed our attention. It was God that said “this is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Mathew 3:17). Jesus cries out for us to God on our behalf. He prayed for the people who killed Him. He has such a beautiful love that He shares with us.

God has appointed Him as high priest (Hebrews 5:5-6). What does this mean for us? This means that Christ is the one we can turn to when we need forgiveness. He can be our counselor when we need a listening ear. He will pray and cry for us. He will love us. He is what can connect us to God and to an everlasting life with the Lord.

It is good to have a counselor who is always there to listen; to have a friend who you don’t have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night when you need to talk. Christ can be all of this and more. He loves us, and He died for us. He has forgiven and saved us. Praise be to God.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for sending us Jesus to be our High Priest. Thank you for His love and His life. I am forever grateful for His sacrifice of love. Thank you for all that You have done for us Lord. Thank you for listening to our prayers, and for answering them. Thank you for being with each and every one of us. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
Call Upon the Lord (Red 320)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

March 21, 2012

Opening Hymn:
Spirit Song (Red 287)

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 51:1-12

Message: Willing Spirit
“Grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Everything the psalmist is praying for, I want for myself and others as well. To be forgiven, washed clean and pure. Finally, the thing that hit me the most during this reading was, to have a “willing spirit.” A spirit that is ready for what God has to offer, and a spirit that won’t back out when the work is too hard, too long, or too trivial in my eyes. That is the spirit I seek.

God offers us joy, forgiveness, purity, and love. He is with us through every challenge we face. However, He made us with free will to make choices. We can choose whether we sin or not. We choose whether we go to work or not. We choose what we eat, read and watch. In that sense we can choose who we are. The biggest choice that we have in this life then, is whose we are.

When we choose to be God’s children and focus our lives on God the “willing spirit” can come into view. When we get distracted and begin to read and watch things that aren’t of God… we become less like God, and our spirit becomes less willing. To be like God and to seek what God seeks requires a relationship with God. Have you ever noticed that when you hang around someone a lot you might start using phrases that they use, or pick up an accent that they have? The same thing is true with God. The longer you spend with God through prayer and through His Word, the more like Him you will become. The more like God we are… the more willing our spirits are to do His will.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, grand us each a “willing spirit” to serve you and our neighbors. Let us spend more time with You so that we can be like you in love and compassion. Thank you for being the perfect example for us. Thank you for Your love, and for sharing with us a relationship. Lord, there is no friend like You! Thank you for always being there, even when we turn away. Bring us back to You now… Give us hearts that are ready to serve and ready to praise. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
When I look into Your Holiness (Red 206)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God


March 20, 2012

Opening Hymns:
We Bow Down (Red 97)
Let the Redeemed (Red 98)

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 51: 1-5

The last thing I think about when I see a baby is sin. Being “sinful at birth” has never sat well with me. However, each of us will sin throughout our life… so perhaps this is talking about the inevitable. Maybe it is because of Adam and Eve’s sin that each of us is born of sin from then on. Regardless of when sin enters our life, rest assured we are all forgiving.

While it is unpleasant to think of a baby having sin, our God shows us a new picture. To think of ourselves washed clean and sin free as that infant. We have been forgiven. God has heard our cry out and he will remember our sins no more.

Many video games have a reset button in which you can start over knowledgeable about what you have failed at before. God to grants us a similar reset button. All our failures are forgiven in God’s sight. We may not be able to live the day over again so that we don’t sin… but we will be able to live in God’s eyes as if we haven’t sinned. He has given us an extra life. We can continue on with the knowledge of how to live as God lives… and we can try to sin no more.

Time of Prayer
Lord, thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You for forgiveness and for Your love and mercy. Thanks for extra lives. Thank you for the comfort of Your Word. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
We Believe (Red 231)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God