
January 27 2011

Opening Hymns:
Exult the Lord Our God 84 (red)
My faith Looks Up to Thee 162 (B/B)

Scripture Reading: Psalm 99

Message: A Just World
Psalm 99 is a praise psalm to the Lord our God. The Psalmist states “He is exulted over all the nations.” The Psalm is describing God’s Justice, Forgiveness, and praising His holiness. In fact, this psalm like many other verses of scripture is telling us to praise His holy name. It is seeking us out that we might join with the psalm in worship. While there are times in our lives where this is an easy task… at other times it can be hard. When loved ones die, when cancer becomes a real part of our lives or is effecting the life of our loved ones. At that point it can be hard to life our voice. When friendships end, when promises are broken, and when we see the murders and misdeeds on the news… it is hard to see the God of justice. But, it is at that very point in our lives when we need God most of all. It’s when we must remember the warm and loving presence of our Father. God conquers all. He is the one to rest upon and to sing to when it feels like the world is shaking. He is the one to love and worship; for, even in the times when we turn away from Him… He is always there with us. “He is Worthy to be Praised” in the good times and the bad.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, help us to remember that you are always with us, during the good times in our lives and the bad. No matter what happens on this day, please let us remember to worship you. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever 103
Go My Children, with My Blessing 72

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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