
Share Your Gifts

March 4, 2016
Opening Hymns:
529 How Firm a Foundation http://www.hymnsite.com/lyrics/umh529.sht

Scripture Reading:
1 Samuel 16:1-13
16:1 The LORD said to Samuel, "How long will you grieve over Saul? I have rejected him from being king over Israel. Fill your horn with oil and set out; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided for myself a king among his sons."

16:2 Samuel said, "How can I go? If Saul hears of it, he will kill me." And the LORD said, "Take a heifer with you, and say, 'I have come to sacrifice to the LORD.'

16:3 Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what you shall do; and you shall anoint for me the one whom I name to you."

16:4 Samuel did what the LORD commanded, and came to Bethlehem. The elders of the city came to meet him trembling, and said, "Do you come peaceably?"

16:5 He said, "Peaceably; I have come to sacrifice to the LORD; sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice." And he sanctified Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

16:6 When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, "Surely the Lord's anointed is now before the LORD."

16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the LORD does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."

16:8 Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. He said, "Neither has the LORD chosen this one."

16:9 Then Jesse made Shammah pass by. And he said, "Neither has the LORD chosen this one."

16:10 Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel, and Samuel said to Jesse, "The LORD has not chosen any of these."

16:11 Samuel said to Jesse, "Are all your sons here?" And he said, "There remains yet the youngest, but he is keeping the sheep." And Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here."

16:12 He sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome. The LORD said, "Rise and anoint him; for this is the one."

16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the presence of his brothers; and the spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. Samuel then set out and went to Ramah.

As we read the bible we often see God doing things that humans wouldn’t expect. Traditionally being the eldest son held great importance. However, God doesn’t chose the eldest or the strongest to become the leaders. In our story today the young boy David is anointed and chosen to be king.

I don’t know how David felt, but I know that I would have been terrified. Would his days as a shepherd make him qualified to be king? David is young, but he is brave and strong. He’s had to protect the sheep from dangerous animals, and now he is going to be given a new “flock” to look after. Sometimes, in the most peculiar ways, we are being trained in for things that we will face in the future.

Sometimes I feel called to help serve. People are asking for a volunteer here, or my church is looking for help at an event there… and I feel a bit torn. At times I can be a shy person, and I often don’t think too highly of my own skills or talents. After all, am I really qualified to help out in that way? This past week I was thinking a lot about it. I came to the realization that even though I’m not the best at something, I can still give it my best. I don’t need to be shy about the things that I can contribute as well.

David doesn’t seem shy when he faces Goliath. And though he was not sinless he was able to write so many beautiful psalms that still inspire and touch the hearts of millions. He was able to grow into a great king. God may call us too in ways that we might not expect. We may need to face challenges that we don’t feel prepared for. But just imagine what the world would be like if we faced our challenges with David’s bravery. Each of us has different skills that we can use to make the world a better place. Let us not compare our talents with one another; instead, let us trust God’s call and work together to make the world a more beautiful place.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, give us the strength and bravery to step outside of our picture of the world. Let us see ourselves and our world the way You see us. Give us the strength and faith we need to face each challenge that comes our way. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn
191 Jesus Loves Me http://www.hymnsite.com/lyrics/umh191.sht

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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