
February 3, 2011

Opening Hymns:
The Battle Belongs to the Lord 205
God Will Make a Way 76 (B/B)

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 2 1-8

Message: Trust

The first year that I was a nurse was very challenging. I had to incorporate everything I had learned from books and professors… to real life situations. A major part of nursing is the skills that you use. One of those skills is IV starts. There is one particular IV start that I remember well.

There was a lady who was being admitted into the hospital. I know it took at leas 3-5 times of trying before the staff got the IV in. I had tried first, and got someone else to help. They ended up getting a 22 fr IV in. (a size smaller than we like). I worked with her the next day, and was sad to hear that we needed to put yet another IV in. A CT scan had been ordered, and they need at least a 20 fr (a bigger size) IV for the contrast that goes in. They called me down to the CT room because they could not get one in. I whispered to the secretary to pray for me. I held my breath as the IV was going in, and used all the skills that I had learned. I prayed, hoped and believed that it would go in.

The IV went in… my first poke. The patient was spared the pain of multiple tries from multiple nurses. She was able to have a CT scan to further discover what was wrong, and what treatment was needed. It was a blessing. I don’t think it would have gone in had I not prayed and trusted in God to answer my prayer. I was reminded of this experience when I read the scripture for today. Paul is doing the opposite thing that a person should do in an interview. He is describing him self as week, states that his wisdom is not superior. It is not wise to discredit yourself in an interview… However, he doesn’t take credit for any of the great things they perceived Paul to have done, rather, he gives glory to God.

I hope and pray that as I continue down life’s road I remember to put my confidence in the Lord. Paul had said the reason he came as he did to them was “so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power” (1 Corinthians 2:5). I pray that, that will be true of me and for us as well.

Time of Prayer
Dear Lord, help us to put our trust in You on this day. When we are afraid, or nervous… let us remember that we are Your children. Watch out for us Lord, and let us never forget to give You thanks. All Glory to You oh Lord. Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn

Let it be Said of Us 141 (B/B)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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