
April 12, 2010

Opening Hymns:
Lord Speak to Me 463 (Red hymnal)
Breathe on Me Breath of God 420 (Red Hymnal)

Scripture Reading:
Acts 9:1-6

Message It Is Good
When I was a young girl I didn’t understand why someone would know right from wrong, and chose to do wrong. I thought life was simple like that… there was good and there was bad. In my young 1st grader mind I knew that it was bad to litter, there was no doubt about that. The teacher told us that littering was not good. When I saw a fifth grader throwing garbage on the ground I stood up for the rules of “good” that I knew were in place. “Litter bug!” I had yelled at her. Powerful words; apparently I didn’t know the rule of respect (especially respect for those that were bigger and older than me). The girl semi-laughed at me picked up her trash and threw it away appropriately. While I didn’t know too much about respect before that, after this, my mother made sure I was aware of the good that comes from politeness.

Paul’s understanding in the beginning verses of acts chapter 9 was comparable. He knew what he viewed as right and good. By golly, anyone who would go against the teachings of his scriptures ought to be punished… because if you were going against scriptures you were going against God. His beliefs and place in society were being challenged by Christians. It was, to him, something “bad”. Standing up for his beliefs would then be the right choice in his mind. However, He was without a doubt, defending his beliefs in the wrong way. He was persecuting the new Christians. God had other plans. One sight of Jesus and his entire world was changed. He was shown what the true and good path was. Instead of persecuting he became persecuted. Instead of threatening, he became threatened. I am sure he wouldn’t have had it the other way around after he learned the truth about Jesus.

I have learned that this world is not as simple as I thought it was when I was a child. The thing that creates the most confusion and leaves our visions foggy is that it is easy to define right and wrong in thousands of different ways. How can we know if we are doing the right thing? Often times we discover this through prayer, meditation, console from our mentors, and study of scripture. One of the most important ways we learn what actions are “good” and which ones are “bad” is through our experiences.

I don’t think Paul would have changed back into who he had been after coming face to face with Jesus. When we, by poor choices, learn what not to do it is important to make sure it stays learned. Don’t focus on the failure but the success behind it. You may have gone down the wrong path for a bit… but don’t worry, that is one less mistake you will make in the future. You are closer to the right answer… you are getting closer and closer to becoming what God intended you to be. Something “good.”

Time of Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Closing Hymn

Ye Servants of God 181 (Red Hymnal)
Lead Me Lord 473 (Red Hymnal)

May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.

Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God

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