Opening Hymns:
Bind Us Together 43 (Red)
More Precious Than Silver 237 (Red)
Scripture Reading:
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Message Together
It is wonderful to see all that people can do when they come together as a team and work towards a common goal. Last year there was flooding in Fargo. Many homes were threatened by the rising river. In the midst of all the fear and helplessness there was also a sense of community. The entire city came together and worked to help those who had been threatened by the flood. Together we built something that none of us could have done on our own. Many homes were saved because of everyone’s efforts.
In this verse Paul is trying to touch on something similar. He is giving them a common goal, to be like Christ. He is also cautioning against a common enemy. He warns about people who are self seeking… Not only was he warning about people, he was also warning them about the temptation to be selfish. He encouraged them to move beyond themselves so they might have a servant heart like Jesus. Similar to sandbagging, it is easier to reach the goal as a group. If you are surrounded by people who are “living according to the pattern,” you too will more easily be able to follow it as well. Being able to worship and serve with others is encouraging. With the church community we can support and cheer each other on to become more Christ-like.
Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Let It Be Said of Us 141 (B/B)
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 26, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Here I am, Lord 86 (B/B)
Make Me a Servant 155 (B/B)
Scripture Reading:
Luke 13:31-35
Message Our Calling
Jesus’ determination for His mission is awe inspiring. He knows what it is He has come to do, and He believes that any other choice is not an option. We too have been created to care for the world that the Lord made. Even since Adam and Eve, humans were meant to be the caretakers of the world. Each of us has our own calling. Whether it be creating peace and joy through art, volunteering, bringing up children, preaching, or singing. I believe that every last one of us is, in our own way, like the prophet Isaiah… “Then I head the voice of the Lord saying. ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8-9).
The Lord calls out to us. He beacons us to help those in need. He calls each of us with our own gifts and skills to watch over this world, that He has created, in the best way that we can. I know that, unlike Jesus, sometimes we don’t know the right choice to make… and sometimes we might even know what the “correct choice” would be, but we go down a different road. It is at those times in our lives when it is important to remember whose we are. We are ever forgiven, and forever loved by God. The Lord will lead us back to the right road with a simple question “whom shall I send?”… it is up to us to answer Him.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To those who have lost their own path. That they might be found once more so they can care for the world in their own special and unique way… we pray to the Lord*
For those suffering emotional, physical, or spiritual ailments that they may be uplifted by Your presence, and that others might reach out to them and give them support we pray to the Lord*
For the students as they are ending or starting spring break, that they might have the rest that they were seeking and gain enough energy to finish up this school year we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Here I am, Lord 86 (B/B)
Make Me a Servant 155 (B/B)
Scripture Reading:
Luke 13:31-35
Message Our Calling
Jesus’ determination for His mission is awe inspiring. He knows what it is He has come to do, and He believes that any other choice is not an option. We too have been created to care for the world that the Lord made. Even since Adam and Eve, humans were meant to be the caretakers of the world. Each of us has our own calling. Whether it be creating peace and joy through art, volunteering, bringing up children, preaching, or singing. I believe that every last one of us is, in our own way, like the prophet Isaiah… “Then I head the voice of the Lord saying. ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8-9).
The Lord calls out to us. He beacons us to help those in need. He calls each of us with our own gifts and skills to watch over this world, that He has created, in the best way that we can. I know that, unlike Jesus, sometimes we don’t know the right choice to make… and sometimes we might even know what the “correct choice” would be, but we go down a different road. It is at those times in our lives when it is important to remember whose we are. We are ever forgiven, and forever loved by God. The Lord will lead us back to the right road with a simple question “whom shall I send?”… it is up to us to answer Him.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To those who have lost their own path. That they might be found once more so they can care for the world in their own special and unique way… we pray to the Lord*
For those suffering emotional, physical, or spiritual ailments that they may be uplifted by Your presence, and that others might reach out to them and give them support we pray to the Lord*
For the students as they are ending or starting spring break, that they might have the rest that they were seeking and gain enough energy to finish up this school year we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 25, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Cry of my Heart 42 (B/B)
Knowing You 162 (passion songbook)
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 27:7-14
Message Center of My Life
Yesterday we saw how brave David was. With the Lord on his side David was not afraid of the enemies that may attack him. Today’s scripture, in part, describes why David wasn’t afraid. One of the big reasons I had mentioned yesterday… God is more powerful than all our enemies. The other reason for David’s bravery was that David wasn’t focusing on earthly things. If we put too much emphasis on our earthy positions it can create more stress than comfort. Earthly things perish with time. They can be with us at one moment, and gone the next. If we were to put those at the center of our lives, think about how terrifying that would be. Especially if you’re like me and you lose things. I would be having a panic attack every day if my owned things were of great importance to me.
During the second half of this psalm David reveals how he can be courageous. He has put God at the center. His greatest desire is to know God more. This is something that no one on earth can take away from him. No famine or war would make God go away. By caring about the Lord and His will, David’s heart is secure. He has no reason to fear anything. I hope that we too can shift our focus so that God is at the center. We need not fear economic hardships. Instead, we can look to God and seek His face, and His will.
Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
My Life Is in You, Lord 120(red)
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Cry of my Heart 42 (B/B)
Knowing You 162 (passion songbook)
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 27:7-14
Message Center of My Life
Yesterday we saw how brave David was. With the Lord on his side David was not afraid of the enemies that may attack him. Today’s scripture, in part, describes why David wasn’t afraid. One of the big reasons I had mentioned yesterday… God is more powerful than all our enemies. The other reason for David’s bravery was that David wasn’t focusing on earthly things. If we put too much emphasis on our earthy positions it can create more stress than comfort. Earthly things perish with time. They can be with us at one moment, and gone the next. If we were to put those at the center of our lives, think about how terrifying that would be. Especially if you’re like me and you lose things. I would be having a panic attack every day if my owned things were of great importance to me.
During the second half of this psalm David reveals how he can be courageous. He has put God at the center. His greatest desire is to know God more. This is something that no one on earth can take away from him. No famine or war would make God go away. By caring about the Lord and His will, David’s heart is secure. He has no reason to fear anything. I hope that we too can shift our focus so that God is at the center. We need not fear economic hardships. Instead, we can look to God and seek His face, and His will.
Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
My Life Is in You, Lord 120(red)
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 24, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Firm Foundation 59 (Best of the Best~B/B)
When I look into Your Holiness 240 (B/B)
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 27:1-6
Have you ever had one of those days where you are anxiously anticipating a certain event? You are worrying about it all day up until the last minute. Most of us have had days like that. Whether it is worrying about tests, meetings, family, procedures… there are many things in our life to fret about. In this psalm, David is describing things that are far more terrifying than the scariest things that have ever happened in my life. David is talking about war… except his experience of war is more real than president Obama’s. Not only is he planning out the battle, and planning where to attack, he is also fighting right along side his people. Yet he keeps his cool. “Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident” (v.3).
I wish I had that kind of confidence during my last set of finals. Yet it is not from himself that he draws out this strength. It is from the Lord. We too can have this confidence if we put our trust in the Lord. We will meet many challenges, and many things that may terrify us. However, God is stronger than all the obstacles in our lives. With Him we need not fear the battle. He will protect us.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For those that are fighting battles right now… both physically and mentally, that they may find courage and strength in You, we pray to the Lord*
To the people in Haiti as they continue to recover from the earthquake we pray to the Lord*
To our leaders that they might confidently lead us in the direction You would have us go, we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
We Are Marching in the Light of God 232 (B/B)
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Firm Foundation 59 (Best of the Best~B/B)
When I look into Your Holiness 240 (B/B)
Scripture Reading:
Psalm 27:1-6
Have you ever had one of those days where you are anxiously anticipating a certain event? You are worrying about it all day up until the last minute. Most of us have had days like that. Whether it is worrying about tests, meetings, family, procedures… there are many things in our life to fret about. In this psalm, David is describing things that are far more terrifying than the scariest things that have ever happened in my life. David is talking about war… except his experience of war is more real than president Obama’s. Not only is he planning out the battle, and planning where to attack, he is also fighting right along side his people. Yet he keeps his cool. “Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident” (v.3).
I wish I had that kind of confidence during my last set of finals. Yet it is not from himself that he draws out this strength. It is from the Lord. We too can have this confidence if we put our trust in the Lord. We will meet many challenges, and many things that may terrify us. However, God is stronger than all the obstacles in our lives. With Him we need not fear the battle. He will protect us.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For those that are fighting battles right now… both physically and mentally, that they may find courage and strength in You, we pray to the Lord*
To the people in Haiti as they continue to recover from the earthquake we pray to the Lord*
To our leaders that they might confidently lead us in the direction You would have us go, we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
We Are Marching in the Light of God 232 (B/B)
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 23, 2010
Opening Hymns:
We Believe 231 (red hymnal)
I Will Call Upon the Lord 180 (red hymnal)
Scripture Reading:
Genesis 15:7-12, 17-18
Message Covenants
Today we are able to see the second half of the promise God gives to Abram. He is now promising Abram land. While the beginning of the scripture may seem a little gruesome there is a deep meaning behind it. We see in Jeremiah 34:18 ‘The men who have violated my covenant and have not fulfilled the terms of the covenant they made before me, I will treat like the calf they cut in two and then walked between its pieces.” Abram cutting the animals that God had asked for in half, and having God walk through them, was a covenant God was making with him. Unlike the covenant that God made with the men in Jeremiah, this was an unconditional covenant. No matter what Abram did, God would always do as he promised.
God has also made a covenant with us. He promised us His only Son to be the sacrificial lamb for our sins. I believe there is one small condition to this covenant; we must believe in Jesus and ask for the forgiveness that He promised us. God made many covenants throughout the bible. Each time he fulfilled His half of the promise. Abram may not have known why the Lord would choose to give him land and family. We might not understand why God would grant us forgiveness beyond what we deserve. But we can be thankful that our God is a just God who will fulfill the promises He has made.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For the EMTs and others who work quickly to support people in emergency situations that they might have the calmness and knowledge that they need to help the people they are trying to rescue… and that they might be comforted when their best attempts do not work we pray to the Lord*
To people who need emergency care that they might be helped and brought out of any emergency situation they were in we pray to the Lord*
To our pastors that they may support their congregations and that in turn the congregations will support them and their efforts as we all seek to glorify You, we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Go, my Children, With My Blessing
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
We Believe 231 (red hymnal)
I Will Call Upon the Lord 180 (red hymnal)
Scripture Reading:
Genesis 15:7-12, 17-18
Message Covenants
Today we are able to see the second half of the promise God gives to Abram. He is now promising Abram land. While the beginning of the scripture may seem a little gruesome there is a deep meaning behind it. We see in Jeremiah 34:18 ‘The men who have violated my covenant and have not fulfilled the terms of the covenant they made before me, I will treat like the calf they cut in two and then walked between its pieces.” Abram cutting the animals that God had asked for in half, and having God walk through them, was a covenant God was making with him. Unlike the covenant that God made with the men in Jeremiah, this was an unconditional covenant. No matter what Abram did, God would always do as he promised.
God has also made a covenant with us. He promised us His only Son to be the sacrificial lamb for our sins. I believe there is one small condition to this covenant; we must believe in Jesus and ask for the forgiveness that He promised us. God made many covenants throughout the bible. Each time he fulfilled His half of the promise. Abram may not have known why the Lord would choose to give him land and family. We might not understand why God would grant us forgiveness beyond what we deserve. But we can be thankful that our God is a just God who will fulfill the promises He has made.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For the EMTs and others who work quickly to support people in emergency situations that they might have the calmness and knowledge that they need to help the people they are trying to rescue… and that they might be comforted when their best attempts do not work we pray to the Lord*
To people who need emergency care that they might be helped and brought out of any emergency situation they were in we pray to the Lord*
To our pastors that they may support their congregations and that in turn the congregations will support them and their efforts as we all seek to glorify You, we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Go, my Children, With My Blessing
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 22, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Come Thou Fount of every blessing (
Rock of My Salvation
Scripture Reading:
Genesis 15:1-6
Message Proven Wrong
One day in my anatomy and physiology class we were studying the eye. Its complexities were beyond what my little mind could and can grasp. How does it work? How could anyone think that this could exist without a divine presence? My friend sitting next to me had a similar thought. She leaned over to me and whispered… “How could anyone think there isn’t a God? Look at how beautifully perfect and complex eyes are.” In the scripture reading today Abram is not doubting the existence of God, but rather questioning the likelihood that he would have a child. However, like many times throughout the bible God fulfills His promise and goes beyond what we could ever imagine. Not only does God give Abram a child, but his offspring become more numerous than we can count. His family tree is still ever growing, and the promise is still being fulfilled.
In my life I do have many doubts. Most of the doubts involve my trust in myself to “correctly” do what God has called me to do. College was a challenge that I thought was far above anything I could do. However, when I put my self doubt aside God was able to surprise me with college’s completion. Trusting in God can often be filled with wonderful surprises of things that are beyond our own understanding. Though it might not seem like God’s promise is even possible, if we put our faith in Him we will see how wonderful it is when God proves us wrong.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For our armies and militaries, that you will protect them as they work to serve our country her and afar we pray to the Lord*
For students that they might learn and use the knowledge they gain to better the world around them we pray to the Lord*
To those who are struggling with financial stability that they may find support through friends and family until they are finally back on their feet we pray to the Lord*
For those of us who are unable to discern where You would have us go, that our path might be laid be for them we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Great is Thy Faithfulness
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Come Thou Fount of every blessing (
Rock of My Salvation
Scripture Reading:
Genesis 15:1-6
Message Proven Wrong
One day in my anatomy and physiology class we were studying the eye. Its complexities were beyond what my little mind could and can grasp. How does it work? How could anyone think that this could exist without a divine presence? My friend sitting next to me had a similar thought. She leaned over to me and whispered… “How could anyone think there isn’t a God? Look at how beautifully perfect and complex eyes are.” In the scripture reading today Abram is not doubting the existence of God, but rather questioning the likelihood that he would have a child. However, like many times throughout the bible God fulfills His promise and goes beyond what we could ever imagine. Not only does God give Abram a child, but his offspring become more numerous than we can count. His family tree is still ever growing, and the promise is still being fulfilled.
In my life I do have many doubts. Most of the doubts involve my trust in myself to “correctly” do what God has called me to do. College was a challenge that I thought was far above anything I could do. However, when I put my self doubt aside God was able to surprise me with college’s completion. Trusting in God can often be filled with wonderful surprises of things that are beyond our own understanding. Though it might not seem like God’s promise is even possible, if we put our faith in Him we will see how wonderful it is when God proves us wrong.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For our armies and militaries, that you will protect them as they work to serve our country her and afar we pray to the Lord*
For students that they might learn and use the knowledge they gain to better the world around them we pray to the Lord*
To those who are struggling with financial stability that they may find support through friends and family until they are finally back on their feet we pray to the Lord*
For those of us who are unable to discern where You would have us go, that our path might be laid be for them we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Great is Thy Faithfulness
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 20, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Take My Life and Let it Be (
Through Good Report and Evil Lord (
Scripture Reading:
2Corithians 5:20b-6:10
Message Advertisement Strategy
I have often heard, eternity with God starts now. While it wasn’t something I commonly thought of as a child. It is comforting not needing to wait till heaven to enjoy God’s presence. That is one of the reasons why Paul may have been urging the Corinthians to turn to God at that moment. However, for the Corinthians showing and living out their Christianity would have been dangerous. Paul was not speaking of being “social outcast” he was talking about physical and emotional things that the Corinthians would have to go through as Christians. Was this an encouragement to them? Do you find it encouraging? This seems like a strange advertizing strategy, however, if you look at it closely it provides far more comfort than fear. For in each of the situations Paul describes (both good and bad) we will always have someone there with us. Some that is able to turn our sorrow into rejoicing. And though we all, in our own time perish, we shall live forever.
Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
O Jesus I Have Promised
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Take My Life and Let it Be (
Through Good Report and Evil Lord (
Scripture Reading:
2Corithians 5:20b-6:10
Message Advertisement Strategy
I have often heard, eternity with God starts now. While it wasn’t something I commonly thought of as a child. It is comforting not needing to wait till heaven to enjoy God’s presence. That is one of the reasons why Paul may have been urging the Corinthians to turn to God at that moment. However, for the Corinthians showing and living out their Christianity would have been dangerous. Paul was not speaking of being “social outcast” he was talking about physical and emotional things that the Corinthians would have to go through as Christians. Was this an encouragement to them? Do you find it encouraging? This seems like a strange advertizing strategy, however, if you look at it closely it provides far more comfort than fear. For in each of the situations Paul describes (both good and bad) we will always have someone there with us. Some that is able to turn our sorrow into rejoicing. And though we all, in our own time perish, we shall live forever.
Time of Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
O Jesus I Have Promised
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 19, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Oh How He Loves You and Me
You are My Hiding Place
Scripture Reading:
Luke 4:1-13, please stand for the gospel
Message Debate Teams
This scripture scares me. It shows that not only does the devil tempt, he does it well. If I had the choice I would never want to be on a debate team against him… and yet that is exactly where all of us are. The reason this scripture is so scary is because it is a reminder that the devil knows the scriptures. He can, at the most opportune time, use them against us. This scripture has a happy ending because Jesus was indeed able to withstand the all of the temptations by using scripture to fight scripture. However, having not had most of eternity to page through and memorize the bible, I think I don’t know it as well as Satan does. But there is hope. Regardless of how scary it is being on this side of the debate team there, is comfort in knowing that we are on the winning side. The end of the story has already been written. So, whenever I feel tempted, even though I cannot always come back with the best rebuttal, I can find strength in the Lord.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To all who fall into temptation, that they might find Your light and follow the path You have set before them, we pray to the Lord*
For our leaders, that they may have enlightenment so they are able to discern what steps to take to better care for the people of this world we pray to the Lord*
To the jobless and homeless that their efforts to create a better life might produce fruit for them and their loved ones we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
The Lord is My Light
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Oh How He Loves You and Me
You are My Hiding Place
Scripture Reading:
Luke 4:1-13, please stand for the gospel
Message Debate Teams
This scripture scares me. It shows that not only does the devil tempt, he does it well. If I had the choice I would never want to be on a debate team against him… and yet that is exactly where all of us are. The reason this scripture is so scary is because it is a reminder that the devil knows the scriptures. He can, at the most opportune time, use them against us. This scripture has a happy ending because Jesus was indeed able to withstand the all of the temptations by using scripture to fight scripture. However, having not had most of eternity to page through and memorize the bible, I think I don’t know it as well as Satan does. But there is hope. Regardless of how scary it is being on this side of the debate team there, is comfort in knowing that we are on the winning side. The end of the story has already been written. So, whenever I feel tempted, even though I cannot always come back with the best rebuttal, I can find strength in the Lord.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To all who fall into temptation, that they might find Your light and follow the path You have set before them, we pray to the Lord*
For our leaders, that they may have enlightenment so they are able to discern what steps to take to better care for the people of this world we pray to the Lord*
To the jobless and homeless that their efforts to create a better life might produce fruit for them and their loved ones we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
The Lord is My Light
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 18, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Give Thanks
Make me a Servant
Scripture Reading:
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Message Thank You
I feel that the main purpose of this scripture is a reminder to say “thank you.” It is something nearly all of us learn as children. We thank people for Christmas and birthday presents. We also thank others for kind acts that they had done for us… sometimes, however, it is hard to remember to thank God for what he has given us. He has given us everything we have, down to our very last toenail. In today’s reading we see people sacrificing (or being told to give God sacrifices) out of gratitude. It seems like that is something God had wanted from the Israelites for a long while. He rescued them from Egypt… and without so much as a “thank you” they began to bicker. Moses, who was thought to have written this scripture, was close to God. He understood the importance of giving thanks because he experienced first hand God’s disappointment when the Israelites were less than grateful. In the New Testament we see people who were so thrilled about being healed that they forgot to thank the healer. These scriptures are a wonderful reminder to praise the giver instead of the gift.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To the Olympic athletes, that you might keep them safe throughout the last parts of the games, and that you would bless the athlete Nodar Kumaritashvili’s family and loved ones as they cope with his recent death we pray to the Lord*
To all the people who feel trapped by addictions physically and mentally that they may find a way to rehabilitate and start their life anew we pray to the Lord*
To all who were affected by the recent plane crash. Lord, grant them healing physically and emotional as they cope with this frightening experience we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Oh Magnify the Lord
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Give Thanks
Make me a Servant
Scripture Reading:
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Message Thank You
I feel that the main purpose of this scripture is a reminder to say “thank you.” It is something nearly all of us learn as children. We thank people for Christmas and birthday presents. We also thank others for kind acts that they had done for us… sometimes, however, it is hard to remember to thank God for what he has given us. He has given us everything we have, down to our very last toenail. In today’s reading we see people sacrificing (or being told to give God sacrifices) out of gratitude. It seems like that is something God had wanted from the Israelites for a long while. He rescued them from Egypt… and without so much as a “thank you” they began to bicker. Moses, who was thought to have written this scripture, was close to God. He understood the importance of giving thanks because he experienced first hand God’s disappointment when the Israelites were less than grateful. In the New Testament we see people who were so thrilled about being healed that they forgot to thank the healer. These scriptures are a wonderful reminder to praise the giver instead of the gift.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To the Olympic athletes, that you might keep them safe throughout the last parts of the games, and that you would bless the athlete Nodar Kumaritashvili’s family and loved ones as they cope with his recent death we pray to the Lord*
To all the people who feel trapped by addictions physically and mentally that they may find a way to rehabilitate and start their life anew we pray to the Lord*
To all who were affected by the recent plane crash. Lord, grant them healing physically and emotional as they cope with this frightening experience we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Oh Magnify the Lord
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 17, 2010
Opening Hymns:
Be Thou My Vision
Heaven is in My Heart
Scripture Reading:
Mathew 6:1-6, 16-21
Message Serving Silently
As we enter into the season of lent this scripture is a great reminder to be humbled. Rather than boasting to others and ourselves about the wonderful works we have done… we are to silently serve. Please recognize that this passage never tells one not to serve, nor does it say not to pray. Instead, it states “when you pray…” It can often be hard to hide your good deeds from others. However, I feel the scripture is touching on something deeper than how many people know about it. It is describing the way in which they know. If someone shows others good deeds by boasting or bragging, the scripture says, they have earned their reward. On the other hand, people may know of their good deeds simply by seeing the kind act silently being done. Reflecting God through ones actions is one of the most beautiful things to behold. It is sad when that beauty is tainted by ones own selfish desires. But, if we can focus on God and His will, rather than our own, then the act of kindness will more purely show God’s glory.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For all the children in the world, that they might know love and the powerful beauty that comes with helping out others we pray to the Lord*
To all who boast, that they might be humbled and find and recognize the joy that comes with silently serving we pray to the Lord*
To all who struggled keeping warm this winter, that they might find warmth and shelter we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Above All
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Be Thou My Vision
Heaven is in My Heart
Scripture Reading:
Mathew 6:1-6, 16-21
Message Serving Silently
As we enter into the season of lent this scripture is a great reminder to be humbled. Rather than boasting to others and ourselves about the wonderful works we have done… we are to silently serve. Please recognize that this passage never tells one not to serve, nor does it say not to pray. Instead, it states “when you pray…” It can often be hard to hide your good deeds from others. However, I feel the scripture is touching on something deeper than how many people know about it. It is describing the way in which they know. If someone shows others good deeds by boasting or bragging, the scripture says, they have earned their reward. On the other hand, people may know of their good deeds simply by seeing the kind act silently being done. Reflecting God through ones actions is one of the most beautiful things to behold. It is sad when that beauty is tainted by ones own selfish desires. But, if we can focus on God and His will, rather than our own, then the act of kindness will more purely show God’s glory.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For all the children in the world, that they might know love and the powerful beauty that comes with helping out others we pray to the Lord*
To all who boast, that they might be humbled and find and recognize the joy that comes with silently serving we pray to the Lord*
To all who struggled keeping warm this winter, that they might find warmth and shelter we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
Above All
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 16, 2010
Opening Hymn
Create in Me
Take My Life and Let it Be
Scripture Reading
Psalm 51: 1-17
Message David’s Challenges
King David had a hard life. He started his life off as a Shepard boy, and went from the least in his family to the greatest in the nation. However, this transition was not an easy one. If you look at anyone who had started out at the bottom and found themselves at the top… you will see that that transition was anything but simple. The Beatles, for example... Each person in the group began life at the bottom of the barrel. They were, all of them, poor. However, when fortune came their way it added complexity to their lives rather than simplifying. They began to do drugs and lost the steadiness that their previous life had brought them.
David’s complexity came right after he was anointed. Saul’s jealousy and multiple attempts on David’s life had caused David great grief. He also had to deal with the challenges of running the nation after Saul’s death. However, through all his hardships, nothing seems to cause him more pain than his own wrong doings. In Yesterday’s reading Joel 2:12 the Lord declares “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” This Psalm shows David doing just that. He had sinned against God and had committed adultery with Bathsheba. But while his words show the despair and disgrace over what he had done, they also show the hope of being forgiven. David had always held on to that hope. Through the obstacles in his life he chose to cling to God, rather than worldly things.
While sin separates, this psalm is a great reminder that no sin can fully separate us from our loving and forgiving God.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To our leaders hear and those leading other nations, that they may be able to discern what you would have them do we pray to the Lord *
To all who hunger and thirst that they may eat and be filled, and that their thirst may be quenched we pray to the Lord*
To missionaries bringing your word to all throughout the world, that they may be safe and their voices may be heard we pray to the Lord*
That all of us may turn to you in our moments of sin rather than turning from you with shame we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
White as Snow
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
Create in Me
Take My Life and Let it Be
Scripture Reading
Psalm 51: 1-17
Message David’s Challenges
King David had a hard life. He started his life off as a Shepard boy, and went from the least in his family to the greatest in the nation. However, this transition was not an easy one. If you look at anyone who had started out at the bottom and found themselves at the top… you will see that that transition was anything but simple. The Beatles, for example... Each person in the group began life at the bottom of the barrel. They were, all of them, poor. However, when fortune came their way it added complexity to their lives rather than simplifying. They began to do drugs and lost the steadiness that their previous life had brought them.
David’s complexity came right after he was anointed. Saul’s jealousy and multiple attempts on David’s life had caused David great grief. He also had to deal with the challenges of running the nation after Saul’s death. However, through all his hardships, nothing seems to cause him more pain than his own wrong doings. In Yesterday’s reading Joel 2:12 the Lord declares “Return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” This Psalm shows David doing just that. He had sinned against God and had committed adultery with Bathsheba. But while his words show the despair and disgrace over what he had done, they also show the hope of being forgiven. David had always held on to that hope. Through the obstacles in his life he chose to cling to God, rather than worldly things.
While sin separates, this psalm is a great reminder that no sin can fully separate us from our loving and forgiving God.
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
To our leaders hear and those leading other nations, that they may be able to discern what you would have them do we pray to the Lord *
To all who hunger and thirst that they may eat and be filled, and that their thirst may be quenched we pray to the Lord*
To missionaries bringing your word to all throughout the world, that they may be safe and their voices may be heard we pray to the Lord*
That all of us may turn to you in our moments of sin rather than turning from you with shame we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
White as Snow
May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God
February 15, 2010
Opening Hymns
Seek Ye First
Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty
Scripture Reading:
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Message: Even Now
To me, it seems like the Scripture today is in part a description of what the sin in our lives brings us. The people of Judah had been sinning and had turned away from God. The prophet Joel was prophesying what would happen if they continued to sin, and encouraged them with the forgiveness they would receive if they turned back to God and repented. Sometimes in my life I feel I can relate all too well with the people of Judah. I feel myself falling away from God, and I start to turn back to my idea of “fun” or “right” or “justice.” It is at these points in my life that I can almost see the army of locusts coming up over the hill. However, God needn’t send locust. When I turn to anything other than God to uplift me I find very quickly that the very things that I am using as a support for myself are tearing me down instead. When work gets busy and overwhelming and I NEED a break I would often times spend hours on my computer checking facebook or watching shows online. The more time I would spend… the more behind and overwhelmed I felt. Also, when I sin I feel myself slipping from the presence of God. In the end, no matter what it is, if I sin it causes more despair than comfort. More pain than joy. There is hope however. There is hope for all of God’s children. No matter what you have done God is still there saying “Even now, return to me with all your heart.” God is “gracious and compassionate” He will forgive our sins “even now.”
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For the people in Haiti that they may find food, shelter, and comfort as the earthquakes damages are still present in their lives we pray to the Lord. *
For all who are mourning the loss of a loved one we pray to the Lord.*
For the sick, that they may be cared for, comforted, and blessed we pray to the Lord*
For the jobless that they might find work with the ability to support themselves and those they love we pray to the Lord.*
That all our sins may be forgiven, so that we may be drawn closer to You we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
He is Exalted
"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God.
Seek Ye First
Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty
Scripture Reading:
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Message: Even Now
To me, it seems like the Scripture today is in part a description of what the sin in our lives brings us. The people of Judah had been sinning and had turned away from God. The prophet Joel was prophesying what would happen if they continued to sin, and encouraged them with the forgiveness they would receive if they turned back to God and repented. Sometimes in my life I feel I can relate all too well with the people of Judah. I feel myself falling away from God, and I start to turn back to my idea of “fun” or “right” or “justice.” It is at these points in my life that I can almost see the army of locusts coming up over the hill. However, God needn’t send locust. When I turn to anything other than God to uplift me I find very quickly that the very things that I am using as a support for myself are tearing me down instead. When work gets busy and overwhelming and I NEED a break I would often times spend hours on my computer checking facebook or watching shows online. The more time I would spend… the more behind and overwhelmed I felt. Also, when I sin I feel myself slipping from the presence of God. In the end, no matter what it is, if I sin it causes more despair than comfort. More pain than joy. There is hope however. There is hope for all of God’s children. No matter what you have done God is still there saying “Even now, return to me with all your heart.” God is “gracious and compassionate” He will forgive our sins “even now.”
Time of Prayer
*Respond: Lord hear our prayer
For the people in Haiti that they may find food, shelter, and comfort as the earthquakes damages are still present in their lives we pray to the Lord. *
For all who are mourning the loss of a loved one we pray to the Lord.*
For the sick, that they may be cared for, comforted, and blessed we pray to the Lord*
For the jobless that they might find work with the ability to support themselves and those they love we pray to the Lord.*
That all our sins may be forgiven, so that we may be drawn closer to You we pray to the Lord*
The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn
He is Exalted
"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen.
Go in peace, and serve the Lord
Thanks be to God.
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